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Type:  SCADA Hardware
Description:  IOlog is a distributed data acquisition system based on SS3000 I/O modules and SCADA Winlog Pro software. SS3000 I/O modules provide different types of input (digital, 20 mA, 10 V, Pt100, TC) and output (digital, relay, 10 V, 20 mA) channels.
Connectivity:  Modbus, Modbus TCP
Features:  Complete and modular solutions; Multidrop RS485 industrial network; Modbus protocol ASCII/RTU/TCP; Wide range of input signals; Analog, digital and relay outputs: Dual watchdog timer and self-diagnostic; Winlog Pro SCADA software
Specifications:  Material: self-extinguishing plastic; Mounting: on EN-50022 DIN rail; Maximum baud rate: 115.2 kbps, (maximum distance 1.2 km);